Sad! Sad! Sad!
These days I am doing nothing. I have practically done nothing in last eight months actually. I started this blog thinking I would be able to put my thoughts into words but that is not happening. There is so much, so much that keeps going in my head but nothing comes when I sit to write. Once somebody had told me that I needed to channelise my energies. Oh no! I didn't go to any yoga master or sought a spiritual guru for that matter, It was just a friend. In fact not a friend. she is elder to me by some 10 years and I had asked her for some advice regarding career. Actually she is also a teacher and had taught me for some two months during second year of my graduation. No, I am not going through any trauma or depression. So don't get me wrong when I say that there is so much going on in my head. Its just normal stuff. Normal things which I would like to write here in form of posts. Small little happenings which I like to share, not to mention sm...