Sad! Sad! Sad!

These days I am doing nothing. I have practically done nothing in last eight months actually. I started this blog thinking I would be able to put my thoughts into words but that is not happening. There is so much, so much that keeps going in my head but nothing comes when I sit to write. Once somebody had told me that I needed to channelise my energies. Oh no! I didn't go to any yoga master or sought a spiritual guru for that matter, It was just a friend. In fact not a friend. she is elder to me by some 10 years and I had asked her for some advice regarding career. Actually she is also a teacher and had taught me for some two months during second year of my graduation.

No, I am not going through any trauma or depression. So don't get me wrong when I say that there is so much going on in my head. Its just normal stuff. Normal things which I would like to write here in form of posts. Small little happenings which I like to share, not to mention small little Coincidences..hehe (Those who read my blog often probably know why I laughed), Probably the most important reason that I started to blog- Sharing! Journalising! 

Blogging is important for me. Its something that I really like. After a long time I have finally found something which I totally love. i like to share and this gives me great platform to share stuff. Blogging  to me is colours, videos, thoughts, creativity, ...practically everything I love clubbed into one. But..its just not happening. Its been six months now but I am still struggling to find my voice. Sometimes I really feel I should have a USB port in my head where I can connect my datacable and everything, everything that I want to tell, every post i want to make, every book or movie that I like to review, just get posted automatically.

Some days back SG wrote this post: FAD (Its a good post, read it) , and I can totally understand his point. But I told him through comments that sometimes these contests help you to come out of writers'block. But what I realise, I am always in a block. I have always been in a block. Apart from a few posts, Ofcourse!

There was also a post on Preeti's blog sometimes back. I am not able to find it so can't provide you the link  where she called all the bloggers writers. Ofcourse she was encouraging. But then I read the brackets. I mean who make atleast 5 posts a month. Great!! So I lack even there. Never in this time I have crossed 4. 4 is my limit, you see. So now I am not even a Blogger. Pisss!

Very Dearly I had named my Blog. Happy Moments, thinking that that i will share all the big-small happy moments of my life, and few sad ones only if very necessary  that is if its really irking me or I am not able to forget something. But its not happening. and I am sad about it. Its a sad moment. Frustrating also. 

Infact I have practically never blogged. Seems like I have lost what I was here for? Have I ever written abut my experiences or what I really want to raise voice for or the things that irk me or the things that i dearly love. Ah! How would you know!

And it is evident in Indiblogger's rank as well. Though I don't take it seriously, Blogging is about writing, reading & sharing I feel. ( Ofcourse, Now that mine has declined, I have full right to say that. :-D Teee-reee ) 

So Now I have decided. I'll blog twice in every 10 days. Haha! I am making these promises to myself right from the beginning. Has it happened? HAS IT HAPPENED? No!!!!!! :-(

Well seems like Blogadda is there to help bloggers like me by introducing WOW. Its a very good initiative. But I was not able to take that up too. Coz It takes me time to think. I couldn't go about it right away. Also one weekend, My connection to internet was lost. :-D God is really kind to me, you know! But you know what, then I decided, and was really determined to you know, that I would go for it. And then there was a WOW, proudly announcing: 

Write Over the Weekend theme for this week

Write a post which begins with this line ‘The Best thing in life is….’.

seems easy na! Not for me. Why???

These words have often confused me.. Best, favorite etc.

Ask me my Faavvourittee dish…..and I cannot tell.
Ask me my Faavvourittee dress…..and I cannot tell.
Ask me my Faavvourittee color…..and I cannot tell.
Ask me my Faavvourittee book…..and I cannot tell.  Ha! I cannot even tell my favorite genre.

Seems like the universe is conspiring against me!

But now, I think  I have to try hard. I have to move out of my comfort zone, even though I don't even know what is my comfort zone is. Because it is not about just blogging, Its about lot many other things where I need to be serious.

See you.

Have a good day! keep blogging. :-) 


  1. Please don’t strain yourself. Blogging should be an enjoyable personal experience. If you cannot or unable to write frequently, so what? Whenever you publish a post, I read it because it is a quality material.

    One more thing, If someone is 10 years older than you, then he/she is not your friend? Why you are counting me out? HaHaHa.

    1. Thank you, SG. I know u always read it. ..But I want to write more and its not just for the sake of having an increased no. of posts.

      and yeah..Age has nothing to do with friendship, but she is not a friend. We were in touch only at the time of classes .Hahaha, U are in. :-D

  2. I can so relate to this state of yours Priyaa. Have gone through this! Take your time and dont stress yourself over writing. I know, the pressure to write something is a killer!
    Some suggestions that can get you started...
    1. Check this on my blog...
    2. Google 30 Day Photography Challenge... click on any image and you will get ideas for everyday blogging
    3. Participate in Thursday Challenges... Check about them on my blog. This is posting of pictures based on the theme suggested by a website, but I write about the picture too. So it's not only picture posting thing for me.
    4. Then there are Wordless Wednesdays
    So, try some of these things and you will get motivated to blog more frequently! Happy blogging and looking forward to read loads from this space!
    Cheers :)

    1. Thanks for this, Shilpa. I'll definitely try these. :-)
      Sometimes its really frustrating, But yeah, I am taking it easy now. Hopefully you'll get to read some good stuff here soon :-):-)

  3. First tym at your blog.. Nyc post.. Actually i feel almost same in these days... So u so related with this post... Good writing and keep writing... Plz read my blog when u hav tym...:) will glad to see u there.. Happy diwali

  4. Visiting your blog after a while Priyaa! Hope you had good fun on Diwali:)


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