I hear the forced ease in his voice And perhaps I understand now, So I choose to let it go... You meet someone and see a reflection of your soul And all you want, is to know him better, To speak, to tell, to hear Without any commitment, any promise. But sometimes, the other persons has his doubts The other person has his fears So I choose to let it go.... Destiny is what makes two souls meet But we choose who we want in life who we do not, When he has made a decision, I must respect that. So, I choose to let him go..... And I know, I have a life to live, and not just live but live to the fullest, So I choose to let him go And live his dreams And I'll live mine. Coz this time I cant afford to lose myself for anything, any place, any expectation or anyone, For any regrets And keep faith That whatever happens, happens for the best. So I choose to let him go.... (c) Priyaa Arora Letting go.....it's important, no??? Situations arise and teach you...