Letting go....

I hear the forced ease in his voice
And perhaps I understand now,
So I choose to let it go...

You meet someone and see a reflection of your soul
And all you want, is to know him better,
To speak, to tell, to hear
Without any commitment, any promise.
But sometimes, the other persons has his doubts
The other person has his fears
So I choose to let it go....

Destiny is what makes two souls meet
But we choose who we want in life
who we do not,
When he has made a decision,
I must respect that.
So, I choose to let him go.....

And I know,
I have a life to live,
and not just live but live to the fullest,
So I choose to let him go
And live his dreams
And I'll live mine.

Coz this time I cant afford to lose myself
for anything, any place, any expectation or anyone,
For any regrets
And keep faith
That whatever happens, happens for the best.
So I choose to let him go....

(c) Priyaa Arora

Letting go.....it's important, no???
Situations arise and teach you...

PS:- It's a fiction (I dont know if poems can be called fictional :P )


  1. Let him go. He is the one who is not lucky.

    1. ummm....lets not put it like that SG. everything has a time!!

  2. Nice one Priya...
    Letting everyone do what they want and understanding their perspective is a great trait in itself... How wonderfully u chose to let go...

    1. Thank you Manjulika...M really glad u liked the poem :) :)

  3. However hard it is, it is the best to let go. Sooner or later you realize it's okay, it hurts but it's not as important as it seemed, that you can do better by staying away too, by giving both the space they need. It's okay.

    I loved how this poem came up. Simple and profound. Could connect to it. :)

    Stay happy! ^_^ I'm glad you chose to live. :D

    1. Yes you are right, Ashna :-)
      M glad you could connect to it...its fairly relatable!! :-)
      haha!! yep, "The girl" chooses to live....I am toh always happy. Happy moments u see!!
      It was a fiction ;-)

  4. beautiful.... few years ago I had written a similar poem and reading this makes me feel as if it was just yesterday.... letting go is so painful yet the right thing to do at the right time... not for anybody else but for ourselves most importantly.

    1. Exactly....most importantly for your ownself.
      and sometimes its not very painful, well sometimes it indeed is.

      Please share the poem U scribbled, I'd love to read.
      Love you :-)
      N ya, Thank you :) :)

  5. It's very grown-up and understanding of her to do what she did. It stings and it breaks your heart to acknowledge that the other person is not interested or starts to feel uncomfortable at some point, but the right thing is no doubt to do what's better for both of them, which is to let go.

    The realisation of how good that decision was doesn't come immediately but over time and one feels thankful that he/she did the right thing.

    It was a really beautiful and profound(specially the second stanza) poem Priya. I hope that she does live her life to the fullest and make her dreams come true. :)

    1. Thanks a lot, Usama. I always look forward to your comments.
      Yes, It breaks ur heart a bit but then yes, u said it right.
      M glad u said it was profound. Thank you :-)

  6. Lovely! its indeed gud to let go sometimes, specially when keeping means losing ur own self..:)

    1. Thanks :-) & Right. Specially when unnecessarily holding on to it means losing your own self.
      Thanks for ur visit Shaivi. It was lovely meeting you both the times.


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