
Showing posts from March, 2014

Happy Journey!

Whenever I travel through a car with family via an open wide road having flat green fields on either side, I just can't help myself but think. I have always said that life is a journey and its not just a line for me, I actually believe it in every sense possible. And I want to have the maximum of this journey. Thank God, I have stopped throwing philosophies at every point or may be I haven't much got chance in recent times :P Though my philosophies are usually good  and  the timing is usually appropriate. :D Today actually two strange things happened: a) I don't usually go with my family. After 2012, I stay away from it, kind of. And, that has actually made me more grateful to the trips that I agree to make with them. However, today was unusual. I just agreed to go for no reason and turned out that I actually had a role to play. Though main plan was something else, I on the way convinced my parents to make an additional visit to some place else and actually tha...