
Showing posts from June, 2012

Teen-age Blues!!

I am hell of an insomniac…..mere 4 5 days off from the work, the routine is gone, body clock is disturbed and mind starts wandering…..However this time, thanks to a shift of room ( yes, my family has finally understood that a 21 yrs old girl is a grown up and needs a separate room…thank you God J ) and this blog, that sleepless nights are not spent on futile thinking. Tonight, I just opened an old diary I used to maintain earlier to write poems (from class 8 th to class 12 th ). I am smiling at some of the stupid poems I had scribbled, perfectly rhyming and with no meaning. No actually it’s not devoid of meaning but somehow the incidents I remember which had inspired me to write sounds so childish that I want to laugh.   Any ways here is the poem. Teenage Blues!! Hey! I want a change. But things have gone beyond my range But still I know I can change it. And I think I can face it. I can do what I feel like my duty, What I can do on my part. ...

14 Random facts about me!!!!

For the Last 8 days, I have been logging onto this "new post" page atleast twice a day, trying to find something to do. ( yeah m such a velli  these days :-D). Tried Sunday scribbling, and some memes but they did not interest me. And just minutes back I found this blog . and now i am gonna tell 14 Random facts about myself. This is a difficult task for me as I am really unsure of myself and I am random too. Once my friend told me that Rajma Chawal is her favorite and asked if it was my favorite too. And the truth is I could not tell.  Even today I cant tell whether they are my favorite or not. Really !! So, Here it goes.....Tan ta dan......Ladies and gentlemen....Presenting...14 Random facts about Myself: 1)   I make Tea . Good Tea . All my relatives have told me that. ( I started making tea when I was in 8th standard. Today I am 21.5 yrs old, and I still know Tea only. I do not and cannot make any oth...

A lovely Teacher & Some more Poems!!

So far, both the posts have been poems. This blog happened all of a sudden. I had tried blogging earlier also but I just could not pen what I intended to. So I just was happily reading blogs. ( So far my favorite has been , undoubtedly, Preety Shenoy) . And then, In one of the low ( in search of a more appropriate word) moods, when I was really shattered, ( I still am, because I am yet in search. And some time I still think of the Dreams Unfulfilled. But I hope I find my way soon :) ), I scribbled a poem and shared in blogosphere. Whenever somebody appreciates any of my poem, One person comes into my mind- My teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips. She was my teacher in class 11th. She has always been an inspiration. She is a wonderful teacher and above all, she is a wonderful human being. She is somebody who doesn't just go to school because that's her job, or somebody whose prime objective is to cover the syllabus and make stud...