Teen-age Blues!!
I am hell of an insomniac…..mere 4 5 days off from the work, the routine is gone, body clock is disturbed and mind starts wandering…..However this time, thanks to a shift of room ( yes, my family has finally understood that a 21 yrs old girl is a grown up and needs a separate room…thank you God J ) and this blog, that sleepless nights are not spent on futile thinking. Tonight, I just opened an old diary I used to maintain earlier to write poems (from class 8 th to class 12 th ). I am smiling at some of the stupid poems I had scribbled, perfectly rhyming and with no meaning. No actually it’s not devoid of meaning but somehow the incidents I remember which had inspired me to write sounds so childish that I want to laugh. Any ways here is the poem. Teenage Blues!! Hey! I want a change. But things have gone beyond my range But still I know I can change it. And I think I can face it. I can do what I feel like my duty, What I can do on my part. ...