A lovely Teacher & Some more Poems!!

So far, both the posts have been poems. This blog happened all of a sudden. I had tried blogging earlier also but I just could not pen what I intended to. So I just was happily reading blogs. ( So far my favorite has been , undoubtedly, Preety Shenoy) . And then, In one of the low ( in search of a more appropriate word) moods, when I was really shattered, ( I still am, because I am yet in search. And some time I still think of the Dreams Unfulfilled. But I hope I find my way soon :) ), I scribbled a poem and shared in blogosphere.

Whenever somebody appreciates any of my poem, One person comes into my mind- My teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips. She was my teacher in class 11th. She has always been an inspiration. She is a wonderful teacher and above all, she is a wonderful human being. She is somebody who doesn't just go to school because that's her job, or somebody whose prime objective is to cover the syllabus and make students cram things that they don't understand at all and not even somebody who just teaches a subject but one who has touched many hearts and molded many personalities.We all were so attached to her. We still are!!

She is a poet and she writes beautifully. Some where I feel that her poems need to reach more people and I think I can do my bit through this blog. I like reading poems and read many but I feel a strange affinity to her poems . May be because I have been her student and I know how honestly she writes.

Her poems can be read hereRead once you'll really like them !!!

Personally, My favorite are:  (click to read)
1) A feather touch ( That's not me, for sure :D )
2) Fight with all your might  (Here too, it's not me!! )

3) Trampled heart ( I find this one very touchy)
4) A Prayer yet unanswered.

If I go on, I think i'll list most of them. :D

You can rate the poems there and if you wish so, you can leave your comments here only. She'll be delighted once she sees (she doesn't know about this blog yet) and more than her, I will be. :) :)


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