100 truths about me!

1. Last beverage? Tea
2. Last phone call? My sister who is married now.
3. Last text message? A friend's mom giving me my friend's brother's phone no. which I asked for, so that I can wish her birthday, as she doesn't keep a personal cell phone.
4. Last song you listened to Book you read? Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green. I watched music channels for some two hours yesterday so I don't remember which song. However, the song I hummed during the day was Sara Evans- A little bit stronger for no particular reason.
5. Last time you cried? 3 4 days back.

6. White
7. Blue ( for light blue denims :P )
8. Black
9. All colors actually ;-)

 10. Made new friends ? Yes
11. Fallen out of love ? Sadly no.
12. Laughed until you cried ? Yes, its been  a long since I did it with friends. Happened sometimes back with cousins and happens when I read John Green.
13. Met someone who changed you? I want to meet someone with whom I can be stable. I am tired of changing.
14. Found out who your true friends were? Yes. I also found out truth about many of friends. 
15. Found out someone was talking about you ? I am intuitive enough and my intuitions are, sadly, usually right.
16. Kissed anyone on your friend's list ? I make effort to be open enough to show my love openly and I have kissed my younger cousin who I totally adore, My elder sister who absolutely adores me and I have kissed my mom a lot many times, if that is what you asked. :P ;-)
17. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life? 90% of them
18. Do you have any pets ? No
19. Do you want to change your name? Not now.
20. What did you do for your last birthday ? I cut cake twice, kind of compensated for the previous birthday. 
21. What time did you wake up today ? 12 pm
22. What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching TV, thinking, convincing myself.
23. Name something you CANNOT wait for ? To get a job and immerse myself fully into it.
24. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life ? I wish my father was alive which is something I never thought about. Today, I feel exhausted and probably if he were alive, my life would have turned out differently. 
25. What are you listening to right now? The tinkling sound of rains.
27. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ? Well, I want to.. but his last name should be Cruise  (This answer has been copied from the person who I took this meme from but this answer speaks for me too :P)
28. What's getting on your nerves right now?? I am numb.
29. Most visited webpage ? Facebook, blogger, goodreads
30. What's your name? Priya
31. Nicknames? Priyu, Pari, Pree.
32. Relationship Status ? Single
33. Zodiac sign? Capricorn

34. High school ? Kendriya Vidyalaya
35. Hair color ? Black
36. Long or short ? Short
37. Height ? 5'
38: What do you like about yourself? A lot of things actually. ;-) One thing that strikes my mind now is ability to surprise people. People also like my ability to understand them but I am tired of it.

39. Piercings? 
Ears ofcourse!
40. Tattoos ? Nopes!
41. Righty or lefty ? Both actually. I eat and write with right hand but I am comfortable with left hand for most of the tasks like using the tap, lifting something, trying some new dance step :P I can also write using my left hand but ofcourse the handwriting and speed suffers.

FIRSTS : 42. First surgery ? No.
53. First piercing ? Nopess 
54. Best friends ? My sister
.55. First sport you joined ? I was more into academics.
56. First pet ? None yet
57. First vacation? College trip with friends during third year of college. Rest with family I am not counting :P
58. First concert? None actually.

59. Eating? Nothing
60. Drinking? Nothing
61. I am missing? I am blank.
62. I'm about to? umm..finish this post

63. Listening to? I am looking up a song to listen to.
64. Thinking about? The post I actually I want to write.65. Waiting for? Nothing.

66. Want kids? Probably yes.
67. Careers in mind? Writing probably. 

68. Lips or eyes --> Depends upon what you want to do with it. ;)


69. Drank hard liquor? No
70. Lost glasses/contacts? Yes. 
71. Broken someone's heart? I might have.
72. Had your own heart broken? Yes.
73. Been arrested? No!
74. Turned someone down? Yes.
75. Liked a friend that of the same sex? I am straight. :-)

76. Yourself? Yes.
77. Miracles? Yes.
78. Love at first sight? Yes, it can happen.
79. Heaven? I believe in afterlife. 
80. Santa Claus? No.
81. Angels? Definitely.

Random question: 
82. words that you say the most??? Pachka, awesome, abe teri to.
83. the person who you hate the most: I can't name.
84. popular as: Philosopher.
85. something you cant do: pretending to be okay when I am not and later repenting.

86: best moment in life: I have had good ones but the best one is always yet to come. ;-)
87: favourite game: Uno, Scrabble, badminton, playing basic catch game sometimes.
88. favourite movie: Can't name just one. Ye Jawani hai Deewani, Kal ho na ho, Bad teacher etc etc. Waiting for TFIOS and hoping it would make it to the list.
89: favourite time pass: Music, reading, watching movies, spending time with cousins/friends.
90: favourite god: Lame question!
91. favourite song: Many. Songs from Ashiqui 2, Sonu Nigam's debut albums, Tum ho, Naina lagiyan barishan, Ilahi, Songs of Rockstar etc. etc. 
92: what if god gives u one wish u will ask: Staying healthy forever.
93: worst time in life: Its gone.
94: one thing about yourself you could change: ? Taking everything too seriously. And taking things not seriously enough probably.
95. describe yourself: I'd leave it to others.
96: one thing you like to hear/read: Any pleasant truth. 
97: favourite quote or poetry: Many quotes from John Green books. 

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.
The universe wants to be noticed.
How long is an instant..
If you keep the box closed long enough, you do kill the cat actually.
The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels on the earth, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.

98. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes.
99. Wish you could change things in your past? Just one thing, I wish I had not missed one particular birthday.
100. are these 100 truths about yourself? Truths? Yes. 100? Not actually. So let me write 10 more questions to make it 100 truths about myself!

43. Memorabilia is something I never much focussed on but these days I kind of miss something. I love the facebook look back video where it captured some moments and made it into a  small video. However, it matters when someone else does it for you. 
44. After I read the last book, I truly realised when they say that movies cannot exactly capture the essence of book. And, I would truly not be reluctant to curse anyone who decides to make the movie WG, WG. Though it is not the first book that I loved and it might not be 'the' favourite book of mine but still.. I now exactly understand when they say that a book is a movie that plays in the minds of the readers. I now understand why Paulo Coelho doen't want The Alchemist to be made into a movie. And though I liked the movie Girl Interrupted, probably also why Susanna Kaysen said that she had hated the movie adaptation of her book.
45. I just got a call. I just refused something. Later I would have to hear things which I would hate though I can take it lightly. I am moody because I have every reason for it. I should shut up now. And, I should not care. (Last two lines being from WG, WG). I have priorities.
46. It sucks when someone seems to care in ways you need not be cared and not understanding you. It hurts when you know you cannot and should not care for someone who seems to care and then you have to choose between what you need to do for yourself and what you should do.
47. There is again a wedding season in my family and things are almost the same.
48. I have no qualms about being an Indian and I truly believe that cultural & societal issues also depends upon the mindset & efforts of its youth. But I feel like going to some other country now. 
49. Dance Class. Tango. CP. Late Night. Delhi in 2014. Cross.
50. I wish to learn guitar and play it like Sharukh does in JTHJ when he plays chhalla. At different places in the world where no one knows me :P
51. I absolutely love watching Sherlock (though I still haven't watched all of it) and Perception. Its so totally my thing and I was not watching it which is idiotic.
52. I will publish this post and then later wonder how did I miss this, that, this and realise that I have left out the things that matter and included the things that don't matter that much.

Addendum: *5 Minutes later* I am listening to:


  1. This was pretty refreshing!
    So many answers! I loved reading them. And now, I too want to do this :D

    1. Thanks! :D
      It was refreshing for me too, though for a while only :P
      Waiting for yours! :-)


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