Dreams Unfulfilled!!

Its a poem I scribbled 3-4 days back. I felt like sharing. So here I am, in the Blogosphere!!

Dreams Unfulfilled

Here I am
Lying on this bed
Watching the fan above
Thinking about the dreams
Those left just dreams
Rendering a pain
Deep in heart,
Unseen, unfelt, unknown
To those around me.

This fan is moving
As fast as he can.
He is in full swing
Taunting at the slow me
Unable to move
Towards my dreams.

A tear falls down my eye
& mom shouts my name.
I close my eyes
Pretending to be asleep.
She comes to my room,
Sits beside me
Does not wake me up…
I might be
In a beautiful dream!

© 2012 priyaa arora

Wednesday, 6th june,2012 :

Just found that carry on tuesday has  a prompt this week which matches this poem of mine, so I have submitted this post as an entry.


  1. Wow wonderful..simple and straight made it more beautiful to read.

  2. and btw welcome to to blog world !!

  3. Is this your first post? It's so good for a starter! :)
    Simple, yet pure. Welcome to blogging! Hope you enjoy the experience! :)

  4. You write very well Priyaa and I can see you too are new to the world of blogging:)Keep writing and best wishes!

  5. beautifully composed.. Loved the contrasts... :0 high spirit :) keep going good luck!

  6. Love that you gave the fan a gender...great poem!

  7. Very nice! Sometimes we just need a nudge to get us moving toward those dreams. :)

  8. Lovely...I too often gaze at the twirling ceiling fan above my bed, and think of those gone now....and weep

  9. Maharukh: thanks a lot :)
    Hannah: Thankk you :) :)
    Mary: m trying.. thanks 4 stopping by :)
    Joanne: Thank you! :) But weeping is not the solution, i realise!! :)

  10. Beautiful poem. I have a question. Calling a "fan" he is your poetic license or is it masculine gender your mother tongue's grammar. I know different languages have different grammar structure.

    1. u can say poetic license. its personification.

  11. Dreams have the strength of making or breaking a person, they can make us vigorously happy or intensely sad. But dream we must. Always. :)
    It's a beautiful poem Priya. And one which is definitely relate-able for me.
    Thumbs up for the fact that it was your first :)

    1. I have been writing poems since I was 13. so it was definitely not a first attempt :)

      N ya....over the time...I too believe, once again, that we should dream...and have faith in those dreams too. For when U want something so desperately, the whole universe conspires to bring that to you, isn't it?? ;-) ;-)


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