Book Review- The Bankster

GoodReads  says:

The uneasy calm in Greater Boston Global Bank (GB2) is shattered when a series of murders rock the façade of the compliant and conforming bank that GB2 has built up over the years. Who is to blame? Who is driving these intriguing and bone chilling murders? What is the motive behind these gruesome killings? No one has a clue.

Back-Cover of the Book says:

Bankers build their carrers on trust, or so everyone thinks. 

Bankers build their careers on trust, or so everyone thinks, till a series of murders threaten to destroy the reputation that the Greater Boston Global Bank (GB2) has built over the years. Who is behind these killings, and what is their motive? 

When Karan Panjabi, press reporter and ex-banker, digs deeper, he realizes that he has stumbled upon a global conspiracy with far reaching ramifications a secret that could not only destroy the bank but also cast a shadow on the entire nation. With only thirty-six hours at his disposal, he must fight the clock and trust no one if he is to stay alive and uncover the truth. 

Is the banker in this bank fast turning into bankster???


    I say:

I have heard enough about Ravi Subramaniam and his The Incredible Banker but I haven't read it. Well,The Bankster is as good as I had heard about him. The Cover speaks for itself-"Meet the John Grisham of Banking-The Wall Street Journal"

The writing style is good, simple, and language-easy to understand. The Plot is taut and characterization is well done. Even the banking terminology used is nicely explained for a somebody who has no background in banking industry. The characters are people you'll identify with. The office politics is something many would be able to easily relate with. There is one thing that I didn't like in the book - much use of Hindi Dialogues specially the word yaar.

The book manages to hook till the end. The Entry of Karan Punjabi is bit late but how he solves the case in 48 hours is interesting. The way the three different stories- in Angola, in Chernoby  and in Mumbai, are shown and then turn out to have a common link is very unpredictable and thus makes the book a page turner.  As I progressed towards ending,  somewhere I felt as if I wanted something more in the end.  But then the book is about how bankers  are turning into banksters and and not even realizing it. Its about how quickly we forget our ethics and give into certain practices in the name of following "tricks of the trade" and thus become the puppet of someone hands.

The suspense that who is the culprit is retained till the end and comes as a nice surprise as is expected of thrillers. Overall a fast paced entertaining thriller. I would surely recommend this book if you like thrillers.

This review is a part of the Book Reviews Program at Participate now to get free books!
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  1. Thanks for the wonderful review.

    1. awww?? thanks :-D well I realized that I cannot do book reviews at all. I just could not sum up how I really perceived this book. I just could not collect my thoughts as usual.

  2. Why are you are hard on yourself? You wrote a wonderful review. YOu were very clear in your thoughts. You said this is a nice book. Also, you recommended this book for people who like thrillers. What more clarity we want!

    1. HaHa..I liked that! SG, I wanted to write more but I couldn't. Yes it is nice book. but there are things to say about characters, certain events but I couldn't. Okay when i l write something where I think i have managed to say what i wanted I'll tell you, then say. :-)

  3. It is a nice book and very captivating and quite a page turner! I enjoyed it thoroughly too!

  4. Thank you Shilpa and Rahul sir :-)

  5. Somehow, I have been avoiding to pick this book. Now, i think its time. Looking forward to more book reviews from you...


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