A Card I made !

 Handmade Card for a friend

Boredom can be mother of new discoveries, I had heard. It Proved true in my case. Tried a handmade card for the first time for a friend....She was delighted and so am I :-)

As I made this, It felt so addictive that now I am waiting for the next birthday or any occasion for that matter, that I make a card for someone.. :D
No More Words.....I am making it a wordless Wednesday :-)


  1. Looks very beautiful. Congratulations on your new hobby. Please convey my birthday wishes to your friend Karishma.

  2. The letters look good and card making is addictive!!

    Cheers from Bangalore, India

  3. thank you SG and Rahul :-)
    Dr. sonia: thanks :-)

  4. This one is just lovely and so soothing in an era of e cards:)

  5. I should learn something from you...Boredom isn't the same in my case...nice card, you friend would be happy

  6. Rahul bhatia: thank you :-) u always leave encouraging words here. and i l be soon posting here photographs of more cards. card making is addictive!! :-)
    the solitary writer: thank you for the visit :-)yes she was very happy...and till some time back, boredom was not the same in my case too :-)

  7. that's a beautiful card made by you
    i went through some posts of your, you write wonderfully.

  8. thank you Sohini :-)
    and Kukies Basket: thank you :-) .... & keep reading :-)

  9. Hello.
    What a kind and generous gift from your heart. I love the colors...purple is one of my favorites. Your friend is very fortunate to have you in her life. Thanks for sharing.

    If you have time, come join this month's Lovers' Cove Challenge currently ongoing over at my blog.

    1. I am so sorry..I guess i overlooked this comment..firstly Thank you :-) and sure I l have a look as i get time :-) :-)

  10. What a beautifully vibrant card, well done.


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